
Monday, 28 March 2011

Questions for Federal Election Candidates 2011

What are your priorities in the upcoming Canadian Federal election?

Canadians to go to polls on May 2

Anyone who knows me knows that I am interested in senior health issues, children, education, the environment, healthcare; most of us have pet issues.

Famous Five
Like elementary teachers (I was one for 25 years!), our politicians have to be generalists. They must understand that they represent all of their constituents, must balance all issues with ideals, politics with power, reality with meeting the needs of the least of their constituents, as well as large and small business. They must be intelligent, and digest much reading material, good communicators, and aware of the government protocols.

I hear so many complaining about the taxes they pay, yet complain that their government doesn't provide enough in the way of services. Being on septic and well, I can empathise, but that is a municipal matter, not federal. Read my post about politics that explains the different responsibilities of the three levels of government in Canada.

One blogger wrote:
Who is going to provide economic growth, keep taxes low and reduce the deficit? 
Do we need political stability to stop the insanity of constant electioneering in minority parliament?

Here are some questions you might wish to ask of your local candidate.

Personal questions

A good leader balances all stakeholders needs, does your record show that you listen to all in your electorate?

How can you assure us that you are capable of providing the leadership required?
What values would you bring to parliament that you would not compromise?

What is your experience as a politician?
How involved have you been in party platform creation?

What are your priorities for a new government?
Which are the most important decisions in the next four years in this country?
How do you balance environmental issues with the needs of a region to help its citizens to earn a living?
Many in Canada are tired of Federal elections. Do you believe that a minority government matters, and should the government have worked together?
How do you feel about private (for-profit) versus public, non-profit, universal healthcare?
Have you ever used a day care provider? Should the government fund public day care, instead of families relying heavily on for-profit centres?
Do you feel positive about immigration in Canada? Should it be harder and should illegal refugees be able to jump the queue?
What does social responsibility mean to you as an elected official?

Of course, most parties have a party line, and it would be interesting to know if your local candidates understand party platforms.


How do you feel about Canada remaining in Afghanistan?
How are we doing with military spending? Should it be more or less?
Should we be buying new helicopters and jets?


Should the federal deficit be reduced at the cost of reducing government services?

Budget 2011: a budget or a party platform, with big corporations taxes reduced, the very rich paying little, disparities between rich and poor increasing. 

Do you think that environmental sustainability conflicts with economic sustainability in this country?
Should we have a carbon tax? Do carbon credits work?
Should the federal government have more control over the tar sands development.
Government programs and Policy
How does your party feel about relations with the USA, free trade, outsourcing,   marijuana possession, youth offenders, political party funding,
Healthcare in Canada
Should US-based Pharmaceuticals controlling access to generic drugs?
Do you believe the media that the healthcare system is broken, or do you believe we must make physicians, ERs, for-profit (and US-based) long-term care/retirement homes, more accountable?

Should we allow privatisation of healthcare, and a two or three-tier system?
Do you believe in concierge medial clinics that treat those who can afford it, limit patient loads, charge patients $3500/year for immediate access? 
Or should we institute Family Health Teams, as is done in Ontario, with more Nurse Practitioners, especially in remote locations?
Should e-Health be a priority for Canada?
Immigration/Multiculturalism/Canadian Values

Are religious minorities given too many rights in Canada? 
Do you agree with the concept of the *'unbearable lightness of being a Canadian?', e.g., ensuring that Canadian values are upheld, limiting ethnic, religious interference in matter of state?
Law and Order
Should the long gun registry be scrapped or retained?
Are sentences for violent offenders tough enough? Do you believe in punishment or rehabilitation?
Should young offenders be given adult sentences in the case of murder and extreme violence?
Do you believe in discharge of sentences for released sexual/violent offenders?
Does Canada have to change early release and have a minimum of time served?
Parliamentary Reform

Do you believe in Senate reform?
Do you believe that politicians need to be more respectful in parliament?
How would you improve integrity in our government?
Do you believe we need proportional representation? 

Poverty in Canada
How would you ensure that our deficit is reduced, and economic spending is controlled by the federal government, -i.e., cutting spending or services? 
How important are the less fortunate in this riding?

Should Employment Insurance be as restrictive as it is?


What do you feel about declaring Quebec a nation, as differentiated from Aboriginal Nations?

Your Tax Dollars
What do you think is the most important issue of concern to your constituents; the disabled, seniors, the poor, aboriginal peoples, jobs, tourism; business owners? Whose needs should come first?

Wiki graphic showing seats

Current Standings (Dec.2010)

More info: Current Standing of Parties in the House of Commons

Elections Canada

Choose a general election:

*Challenges of Multiculturalism: Nationalism Without Walls
The multiculturalism policy is being debated by two recent critiques: Neil Bissoondath's Selling Illusions: The Cult of Multiculturalism in Canada (Penguin 1994), and Richard Gwyn's Nationalism Without Walls: The Unbearable Lightness of Being Canadian (McClelland and Stewart, 1995).


  1. Of course, I will not be voting, but your questions are important no matter where you vote. I cannot understand sometimes how the electorate makes decisions without getting real information.

  2. A lot of very fine work here. You've really done your homework.
    Do you have some way of distributing this so people will get some help as to what to say and ask. We also have to tell these people something. As you say sometimes the party line is recited


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