
Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Election tweets funny to facetious

It's funny, a debate between pundits:
=> do we call them Harpo, Iggy, Jack-o, or is it disrespectful?!

When the next federal election is called there is no doubt that Twitter will play a part and political tweeting will sharply increase during an election campaign.
We often use hashtags to help organize our tweets, Politwitter maintains a list of Canadian political hashtags

 Rick Mercer 

Red door or blue door? Its not the doors I dislike it's the knobs out front. 

PM is refusing to admit he talked coalition in 2004
Harper "just bluffing" in 2004. Refutes Duceppe's and Layton's recollections.

Political panel on Rob Snow's show(CFRA): "Is Harper fear mongering about coalition?"  No.  Yes.  Yes. *shocking* (not) 

@: When I worked for Turner in tough times (Chretien was back-stabbing) he was Mr.Turner, never John or Chick (his UBC nickname).

@ I do remember my meeting with Mr. Harper in 2004. He definitely talked about a coalition.

@: CPC leads LPC 38-24 in latest Cdn Press Harris-Decima poll

 Rick Mercer 

Making a to do list - starting in 2015/16.

2004 - Harper, Duceppe & Layton Letter to the GG 

A little reporter envy here on the  campaign. National media limited to only four questions per day to Harper

@  A Google map of where the Leaders' Tours  (it's actually more than just the leaders!) have been on this campaign

GG says coalitions are A-Okay! So wassup with our PM inventing crisis? 

 Nancy Tapley 
Clam Race predicted outcome of US election.Can racing chickens help with the Canadian one?  StepHEN; EGGnatief; LAYINGton

 Ted Chartrand 

  and  comfortable speaking without notes. not so much. It's the control thing again. Why can't he be real?

 Election News 

Are Seniors "Passed Their Expiry Date"? (Mortons Musings): Conservative candidate for Saint Bonifa... 

 The Canadian Press 

The Canadian Press has learned ex-Conservative staffer under RCMP investigation is working on the federal campaign in a key riding. 

Oops. No, he's not!

 Canada Election 2011 
Beleaguered Tory staffer no longer volunteering on key campaign  

 Rick Mercer 

Stephen Harper - Tough on Parking! 

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