=> do we call them Harpo, Iggy, Jack-o, or is it disrespectful?!
When the next federal election is called there is no doubt that Twitter will play a part and political tweeting will sharply increase during an election campaign.
We often use hashtags to help organize our tweets, Politwitter maintains a list of Canadian political hashtags.
Red door or blue door? Its not the doors I dislike it's the knobs out front. #cdnpoli
PM is refusing to admit he talked coalition in 2004
Harper "just bluffing" in 2004. Refutes Duceppe's and Layton's recollections.
Political panel on Rob Snow's show(CFRA): "Is Harper fear mongering about coalition?" #CPC No. #LPC Yes. #NDP Yes. *shocking* (not) #cdnpoli
@RayHeard: When I worked for Turner in tough times (Chretien was back-stabbing) he was Mr.Turner, never John or Chick (his UBC nickname).
@acoyne I do remember my meeting with Mr. Harper in 2004. He definitely talked about a coalition.
@CdnPress_Ott: CPC leads LPC 38-24 in latest Cdn Press Harris-Decima poll
Making a to do list - starting in 2015/16.
2004 - Harper, Duceppe & Layton Letter to the GG
A little reporter envy here on the #cpc campaign. National media limited to only four questions per day to Harper
@davidakin A Google map of where the Leaders' Tours (it's actually more than just the leaders!) have been on this campaign
GG says coalitions are A-Okay!http://tinyurl.com/4fblrxe So wassup with our PM inventing crisis?
#ignatieff #duceppe and #layton comfortable speaking without notes.#harper not so much. It's the control thing again. Why can't he be real?
Are Seniors "Passed Their Expiry Date"? (Mortons Musings): Conservative candidate for Saint Bonifa... http://brk.bz/hVfSJQ
The Canadian Press has learned ex-Conservative staffer under RCMP investigation is working on the federal campaign in a key riding. #elxn41
Oops. No, he's not!
Oops. No, he's not!
2011election Canada Election 2011
Beleaguered Tory staffer no longer volunteering on key campaignhttp://natpo.st/hr4tH6 #cdnpoli #elxn41
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