
Thursday, 24 February 2011

Oliver, trouble, turkey, Tigger, too!

Oliver watches the birds at the feeder.

He's not hard to spot on the white snow.

I wondered what the deer were looking at.
For those who just want photos...
here they are.
The video shows the drama.

He was on the fence, finally, looking into what I call my 'totem pole'. There must have been a mouse or bird in there!

A silly set of logs, sawed apart by someone at my dad's house, bearing woodpecker holes, and I placed back together over a metal post.. On top is a pretty little frog holding an umbrella.



Here's my boy, sitting on the fence while Tigger, the yearling, watches him. I think they'd have a great time playing. Their curiosity is laughable. Tigger, who does bounce, is fascinated with Ollie. 


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