
Wednesday 22 December 2010

Quick, spot the flashers!

Flash mobs, dance mobs, music mobs; a sense of community, joy and the spirit of working together in concert. I ended up creating a view list.

Here it is, the best time of year. People are just happier, they anticipate holidays, if not Christmas or Hannukkah, or other spiritual celebrations and winter festivals. ("Festivus for the rest of us?!")

It warms my heart to see examples of people being good to others. A few days ago, Air Canada-organized flash mob at YVR airport in Vancouver a week before Christmas, starring the Arts Umbrella Dance Company of Vancouver. I started looking for more.


Air Canada Flashmob

60 dancers explode into a flashmob at Vancouver international airport!
by AirCanadaFlashMob  2 days ago  32,865 views
Some are dance mobs, some just freeze in place. Other emulate people like Lady GaGa: OFFICIAL LADY GAGA FLASH MOB
The is the Subway Sing-Along - Improv in Toronto.
Lots of fun in TO!
My dance costume - gr.5?
Even in Muskoka:
Flash mob at BMLSS
Students and staff at Bracebridge and Muskoka Lakes Secondary School got some surprise entertainment at lunchtime Wednesday, when a flash mob performed in the school's "Main Street" area. A
But, this one is my favourite. I took ballet lessons at The National Ballet of Canada. I loved this costume, turquiose shoes, sash, and my ballet doll! Miss Shietze was my dance teacher. I met her once, in Port Carling, amazingly enough, when I worked retail for a couple of months. I recognized her name on the charge card, she was living out west. Weird coincidence. I told her how much dancing meant to me, and how much I remembered her spirit, gently tickling the backs of my knees to have me straighten to find a long leg. 

My scholarship, sadly, was taken away when I didn't grow into my long legs. Twice a week, going alone on the subway to the downtown school - I loved it! The beautiful people are wonderful to watch in this video, celebrating the school.

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