
Thursday 26 August 2010

End-of-season & winding down

summer = eating outside!
With the end of August approaching, I was shocked to see my firebush changing colour. Not sure why. I have had a lot of 'last ones' lately.

I guess with our crazy schedules, I have been concentrating on family visiting, moving, and our volunteer work.

I'll miss volunteering at the Bala Cranberry Festival (a fundraiser for the town), and with Hospice Muskoka. Volunteer work is fulfilling, and I heartily recommend that you do something for someone else.

Today I delivered my daughter to the Habitat Build for 8 a.m., helped hubby deliver baby to her for 10:30 feeding, held the hand of toddler who wanted to collect rocks -not watch mummy work.

beer for adults - crayons for kids!

Hubby delivered Meals on Wheels at noon then he  did errands in town.

Time passes so quickly.

As a reward, we went out for dinner Tuesday. Between laundry, meals, dishes, packing, playing...

We attended the ski show for the last time on Tuesday in Bala, too. Having stuffed ourselves at the Bala Bay Inn (they do a BBQ buffet Tu., we were happy for a walk and a bit of a stand.
Fun with mommy

Parking for the ski show!

women coming in for a landing

Here, catch!

pyramid scheme
Lots work hard on this!
beautiful moon!

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could go to a cranberry festival. Wow but I am glad I am not attending that ski event - can't handle that much traffic, but Oh my GOSH - I can't believe you get to see water skiers doing things I have only seen in movies! AWESOME!!! W.C.C.


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