
Tuesday 30 June 2009

Gargantua Bay

We bought a great CD, all Ian Tamblyn songs, Coastline of Our Dreams, and it was amazing to be videotaping in Gargantua Bay, Lake Superior Park, listening to songs about these places.

Songs of the northern shore; the music on the video below is 'Heart of the Run', and 'Black Spruce'. It was bizarre playing the CD and hearing them sing of the 'mighty Gargantua', and the other places we were driving through. I have not been this far north in years.

The climb up to see the pictographs was so tough. You can see the rock fissure on the right, with the waist high metal railing. They do lose tourists in Agawa Bay as the winds whip up the water and unexpected swells wash them away. We both did well, with bad backs and aches and pains, to climb up the rock and around the roots. It wasn't until the next day, when walking along the next trek, while walking beside the Pinguisibi R., fairly flat terrain, as you can see, that I tripped on a root. Two hand-sized bruises on my shins, a sliver in my hand where I broke my fall with a root, and a twisted ankle. When we returned to our resort Sylvia, one of the daughters, prescribed ice and lots of wine. The TLC at the resort, as well as the Rx, eased the pain!

Evidence of peoples from across 4000 years are quite absent in these spots. There is a reverence in the glorious rocks, trees, sparkling waters and the flora and fauna in the lack of human interference in the land. The park is pristine. There are a few spots, e.g., out buildings where campers must sign in, lots of road markers, but little else.

On the trail we saw two sets of camps, a truck and a car. That was it. We were 14 km driving, and 2 km walking, off the beaten path, and very isolated. Seeing the tracks of the critters was shocking - if only their size. We are so low on the food chain!
Our accountant is driving up to Lake Superior Park to camp today. What a coincidence. He is a serious kayaker and camper. We don't so camping (a long story!) but wish him well. We are awed by those who can and do. The mosquitoes, on our trip to the Bay, were vicious with no wind. We had to eat the sandwiches we'd packed while standing up and swatting them.
In my mind's eye I can see ancient spirits canoeing, making their way across this fearsome la
nd, creating the pictographs we saw on the rock face at Agawa Bay. Images of the huge creatures that walk this land gave me shivers. We drove along the incredible roads and were amazed.

What a trek. First you drive over a long, winding, bumpy road, then walk 2 km to the beach area. Mike, our park interpreter, explained that it was a pretty demanding drive, with potholes here and there. Was he ever right!

The boulders poke up through the road, as well, after the gravel, sand and silt are washed away in heavy rain. I wanted a t-shirt saying "I drove to Gargantua* Bay!"

*pronounced GAR'-gan-twah



  1. I just love places that are right away from civilization. The further the better. Lovely post.

  2. Just glorious!
    I just launched my kayak too.......

    Aloha, Jenn

    Comfort Spiral

  3. Jenn, just catching up on your wonderful trip around Lake Superior. You story telling, photos and information is so appreciated. You have taken me back forty years when I paddled from Ottawa to the Lakehead in a 36' Voyageur canoe. We did it over two months in 1967....such a remarkable, tough and beautiful trip. I was just posting for My World and look for a copy of the Canadian Anthem and came across a video from Expo 67 called "North of Superior" the first movie made for the big screen IMAX theatre...Superior definitely did it justice. Have a great holiday and Canada and thanks for stopping by. Do take care!

  4. OMG, Carolyn. I cannot imagine. The lake is so huge.What an amazing time that would have been.

    I am glad I could remind you of it.

  5. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing the video. I do so love the Great Lakes.


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