
Saturday 20 June 2009

First ducklings appear

Ollie and EvaHow the goslings grow. Oliver ambled down to the beach. He insisted on eating grass at the shoreline. Eva was not amused but, despite hissing at him several times, he did not budge.

The babies they grow so quickly. My human 'baby' turns 30 this summer. How time passes.

My oh my.

They look so ungainly, like teenagers.

gosling and duck

The gosling (on the left) is now as big as the duck (on the right).

The ducklings just appeared on the 16th, last week, and they are so adorable...

Zipping around with the new-found energy in their little motor legs. Wings are useless...the goslings have the same problem: huge bodies with no wing power. They hurry, peddling little bikers, flapping their stubby wings in retreat as I walk my shoreline.

The ducklings relieve of us the bugs that harass the bulrushes. Greedy little things, they have to grow and prepare for their fall migration.

Parents keep vigil...

Visit more Camera Critters (#33) here.


  1. Enjoyed the photos - I grew up living beside a lake and loved to watch the ducklings hatch out and grow up. They are so cute - just little balls of feather. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Sweet little quackers, so active!

  3. It's just so much fun this time of year to see all the babies. Thanks!

  4. Awww so sweet - hope there are no nasty pike to pick them off . . .

  5. Beautiful pictures and cute post!
    purrs and love
    Luna(from Brazil)

  6. I love them parading on the dock!!

  7. delightul! Life!
    aloha, cloudia

  8. Great captures of the ducklings and goslings..

    All of the goslings at our lake, now resemble teenagers, as well funny to watch. The duckling are also beginning to appear.

    My youngest human babies,(twins), also recently turned 30 ...time flys way too quickly !!


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