
Wednesday 31 January 2018

January 2018 weather

Jan. 30/31 – a bit more snow 5 cm, and a power outage

Jan. 23 – earthquake in Alaska, tsunami warning.

Yesterday we had a storm, rain, snow, hail. All school busses are cancelled for the 2nd day in a row!
Power outages across central Ontario.

We have a big rain storm, with lightning. You can see on the lightning maps.

Jan. 22 – There is a storm coming.

Jan. 21 – What a mess in B.C. 

A massive storm went through. You can see from the outage maps that there were tens of thousands who lost power. The winds were funneled up the straight and toppled trees.

Latest model runs indicating a threat for freezing rain in Southern ON during Monday evening storm system (Jan. 22). Exact amounts still indeterminate but a general area is beginning to come into consensus. #ONStorm #TOwx
— Ontario Weather (@OntarioWx) January 20, 2018

Jan. 19 – quite a mix! Down snowcover.

Jan. 17 – about 14 cm snow cover, a few cm every day.

The Weather Network radar and the government N.A. satellite were a bit of a mystery!

Jan. 15

Jan. 13 – 17.8 mm rain, then 16 cm snow. Snow cover back to 16 cm.

After the storm...

Jan. 12 – major meltdown, very little snow cover remains. Plus, 20 mm RAIN!

We've melted.

Jan. 10 – We're melting! A warm-up and rain. Only 25 cm snow cover today. What a melt.

Jan. 8 - sudden dump of 10 cm!

We've 35 cm of snow cover. It's lovely.

Jan. 5 – darned cold, but not a record!

The Maritimes is a mess.

They call it a Bombogenesis in Boston.

Jan. 4th – Unhappily anticipating another Polar Vortex

There is 29 cm of snow cover.
The Maritimes, however, are expecting a weather bomb!

Jan. 3rd – Much warmer, a bit of snow, after Polar Vortex.

Jan. 1st

Winter wonderland

Thank you for your comments on our owling trip (Fri., Jan. 26th). I have so many photos, it was a lovely daycation.
I'll interrupt that series with walkies at home. 

One of the dead trees we cut down. Daisy likes it.

Hubby went walkies, too.

Three planes went over. One after another. A perfect day for flying.
3 planes from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Tuesday 30 January 2018

Amherst Isl: looking for Snowy Owls 4

Spoiler alert: the only owls we saw were on the water. I had a really hard time photographing them, between the ferry moving, my slow reaction times and my vision issues with progressive glasses. Hubby was frozen and sitting in the car! There were three owls, in total.

It was a bit of a trip. But the owls were beautiful.
The owls were on the water, in camouflage, waiting for ducks to land in the broken ice where the ferry had gone through. I had to set the camera to automatic, as I am not fast enough to do it manually. This is the best I could do!

The ferry ride:

Why do we see so many? <= This is a good read. I think the lobby groups are voting for issues, and thereby raising more funds. When the first irrupted, it was said to by a few good years of food and increased population.

A guy tweeted this Mon., Jan. 29th: