
Thursday 31 March 2016

March 2016 weather

March 31st Over an inch of rain today!

March 28th Sadly, I forgot to put the gauge out yesterday, I put it out at 6:30 a.m.!

March 26

March 25 

What a mess out there! Ice rain damage and trees fallen on wires. This is from New Tecumseth.

March 24

The eagerly awaited storm begins. It is the 9th 'snow day' for Ottawa schools. We had 6cm March 22. They are threatening ice with the near-zero temperatures. We shall see!

More than 38,000 hydro customers in areas west and north of Toronto were without power early Thursday.
PowerStream, north of the city, was reporting 28,000 residents and businesses without power in the Vaughan. Woodbridge and Kleinburg areas.Ontario Hydro was working to restore power to more than 10,000 customers, primarily in the Fergus, Listowel, Cambridge and Kincardine areas, with restoration expected to be completed by around mid-morning

March 22 Love the fine print: 'rain starting in 4 min!'

March 21 -glad snow tires are still on!

March 19th

In the meantime, out west there have been avalanches with horrific consequences.  Avalanches abound with warm weather 14 dead this season.
David Davidoff -died in an avalanche
Davidoff's scenery

March 16th

We are in for some cold, cold temperatures!

March 14th March Break rain, rain, rain

It began with rain!

March 0.15"

March 10th

All those clouds, and we didn't get any rain yesterday! This morning, it was fog. Perhaps rain today, although the worst of it will be in NY!!

March 9 a little rain expected

March 7th

March 6th - what a strange forecast! 

Snow in 31 minutes! We had a lovely, sunny drive.

March 5th

Next week looks to be mild!

March 4th – we anticipate a warm front

From Rideau Valley Conservation Authority
Watershed Conditions Statement

Water levels on lakes and flows in the streams are presently at or slightly above normal for the time of year as a result of the January weather and thaws that happened through February. With the changing levels that can be expected over the next weeks, ice cover on lakes, ditches, local streams and rivers will be increasingly unstable. Caution should be exercised by everyone when near local waterbodies.  Parents should inform their children of the risks and provide appropriate supervision.

Wed., March 2nd

Far less snow, they say. However, the storm was to begin Tuesday night, and it didn't begin until after midnight. We'll see how much snow we get!
Slow travels to work,many collisions...

Tuesday, Mar. 1st What a shock!
Look at those temperatures! And there is a storm on the way, scheduled for Tuesday night.

Buster tales saga update

Everyone has been so kind in our trials with Buster Brown. I thank you all.

We took Dorah to the vet during March 15th, for three days, to begin her Rx ($19/day). We had Buster in Time Out at the Cat's Meow Inn, March 18 - 28th ($16.50/day!).  We have both he and Dorah on Prozac (flueoxetine) –him for bullying, her for twitchy terrors.

Step two

We bought Feliway, which you pop into an outlet and it puts calming pheromones into the air. It didn't calm Dorah, she began going after Annabelle. This is sort of good, since it shows she grew some ovaries and has shown some guts and glory. We're well over $500.

Step three

We decided we had to figure out if it would work on Buster. It takes a few days, they say. How to protect Dorah in the meantime? We swapped out Buster for Dorah at the 'spa', as we call it. She took off right away out the outside door of her cell. There is a bird feeder outside the enclosure and she happily watches the birds indoors, I think she will be happy watching the birds there.

In the meantime, Buster is happy to be home. He went out in the rain to check for mice friends. Annabelle kissed his face and smelled his bum!

Dorah in the sun: apricity.

He's been happy to be home. He's been affectionate with me. Calm in the house.
I took him for a walk after our trip to Wolfe Isl., going down to the frog pond.
He wouldn't follow me around the the pond, but sat on the dock. Daisy was hanging back, up at the driveway. She finally made her way down the path, anxious to come on the trip, and he promptly ran after Daisy in the forest. He wouldn't eat his wet food, with the pill, this morning. I resorted to shoving it down his throat. I am at my wit's end.

Wednesday 30 March 2016

Our March 27th day trip

Where oh where did you ever go?
On a daytrip
Don't you know!

Rideau Ferry at the beach
The icy edge it did not reach

I saw a frog jump in the lake
Sadly too quick the snap to take

On the bay I saw some birds
Turkey vultures, not in herds

Next we went to see the islands
Up and down, upon the highlands

Potholes galore it was a mess
Bravely navigated with finesse

Beehives ready for to spring
Joyous colours soon to bring

April has been NaPoWriMo, though I didn't participate last year. I felt a rhyme coming through as I prepared this post.

March 27, 2016

Rideau Ferry beach

The Big Rideau is melting!

Beehives are ready to go!

McDonald's Bay boat launch had a pair of turkey vultures, gulls, and mergansers diving for food, off in the distance.

This road had lots of potholes! Poor hubby! See the video below for the pain I put him through. Good thing he loves me. It's a lovely spot, but the road was 'not maintained by the county!'

The summer markets stands look so bleak. The old barn I need to sketch sometime.

Narrows Locks: a pine tree was damaged in our ice storm. There were no birds, as I had hoped.

We spotted swans on the ice there last year, in April! The ice is going much  more quickly this year.

The smaller ponds around Murphys Point Park are melting.

Watch for deer on the road! They are moving out of their winter yards. Can you see her in the next photo?!

We tend to have hubby drive, me snap photos. This is the road I put him on!

Slippery trail from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.