Wednesday 4 November 2015

Book Review: Dying to Live

I know I'm on a theme here: death, dying, retirement. This is a book my dear friend, Nancy @ Bondi Resort, sent me. The author, S. Derek Shelly, lives in Huntsville, in Muskoka.

It's a wonderful novella, only 55 pages, and written from the point of view of someone dying. It is a terrific novel of self-exploration, culled from Derek's experiences as an United Church minister
Derek Shelly
. Nancy sent it to me, as she knew my client at the time was dying of ALS. There are few manuals for we volunteers, although I have had the training course. I've learned a lot on the job, and this novel rings true for me. I learn much from each client, as they face their last stage in life, dying. I know that all of us who work with the dying, have many lessons we might teach.
Live each day, examine a life, life your life well, get counselling if you need it. Don't rage against the dying of the light. Confront it. Incorporate life lessons through mind, body and spirit.

This is a very moving view of dying from the inside out.   Shelsid Publishers has a Facebook page.

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@Barrie Summy


DUTA said...

I suppose it's a powerful book as death is a powerful topic. They say death is part of life, but most people find it impossible to accept that. Death is final and absolute, whereas life has always another day, another chance, another hope.
The dying process, that transition from life to death differs from person to person , but it's always a very sad, painful one.

Red said...

Most people tend to try to avoid any consideration of dying. We'd be better off to have much more understanding of the end life.

William Kendall said...

He was already a minister there when my parents were living in the area... I never stepped into Trinity Church there, but passed by it countless times.

Cloudbuster said...

Books that deal thoughtfully and truthfully with end-of-life issues are hard to come by. Thanks for reviewing this book and making me aware of it.

Christine said...

Interesting review, thanks.

Kay said...

This sounds like a very important book. Many people don't even want to talk about it. I agree that it's important to learn to confront and accept it.