Thursday 27 August 2015

Caterpillar tales from the aquarium -Part I

I spotted several of these caterpillars on various wild raspberry bushes. They were intriguing, as they wrapped their tails around the branch as I approached, anticipating heaven knows what!

Upon the advice, a couple of years ago, from my BAMONA volunteer expert, I brought in a raspberry vine and a medium-sized caterpiggly.  There were several small cocoons about, too.

Friday, August 14: popped it into the aquarium, it was going up and down the aquarium sides. I didn't know what it was doing. I nearly became sorry for it, and released it.
Saturday, August 15th: I'm glad I stuck to it, as it has now created a cocoon! We will wait patiently for it to emerge.
It is a moth of some sort...we'll see!

Then there were these!

I've seen one of these before!

Great Leopard Moth
Aug. 25

Meanwhile, they sit in the aquarium, coming out at night to eat, going into the toilet paper rolls in the day to hide.

Aug. 29 somebody hatched!


eileeninmd said...

Neat captures of the caterpillar and I love the black-eyed susans? Pretty shots, enjoy your day!

William Kendall said...

I've got one in an upcoming post crossing the sidewalk. They can move at a fair clip when they want to.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
That's a fine collection of crawlers... meanwhile, UK gardeners are having trouble with hordes of the little blighters... YAM xx

Red said...

It looks like you're going to discover what the large population of these critters are.