Sunday 17 March 2013

The OFSC gives a warning to ATV operators

Please, No ATVs on OFSC Trails!

With OFSC trails becoming unavailable soon for the season, here is just a reminder to please stay off snowmobile trails on private land. Without specific landowner permission to ride on their property with your ATV, you are trespassing. Worse, riding your ATV where it's not welcome could cause a snowmobile trail to be closed permanently for snowmobiling.

Sleds use this as a trail.
It's isn't an official trail.
See the erosion
My friends require signage to keep sledders away

 I've had many a forest walk
This is what ATVs do to a path

1 comment:

Cloudia said...

Good on you for protecting the land!

ALOHA from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral
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