Saturday 6 October 2007


What a night. Poor Brian – two tied baseball games to watch, another late night. We can’t sleep in, however. A monstrous thunderstorm at 7:30 a.m. cracks the morning air. The thunder and lightening is fierce. The darkened skies let loose and cats and dogs fill our eavestrophe! It seems that pine needles have been taking first dibs to shelter from the wind. One crackle of lightening seems to hit behind the house. I rise from my comfy new bed and run downstairs to check the forest for damage. None seen, but the water pours from the eaves, dumping on the back porch. There is another chore: popping up on the roof and cleaning that out.

Back in bed, a good day for a read, secure under the new comforter, surrounded by glorious colours in the comfort of my bed. The lightening is not abating. Sleep does not call me. I decide to try to finish my book. Little (Grrl) Lost, by Charles de Lint. He is a fantasy writer, with many awards, living in Ottawa. A fun read.

Brian goes back to sleep, despite the noise and tempest that surrounds us. Eventually the cats decide that something must be done. Mitzi, usually silent, sits in the middle of the floor and begins a quiet sort of cat-murmur. Not loud, but enough that we know she is disturbed with this change of routine. Usually we are well up by now and the cats have been fed their normal can of wet food. It is an important routine for this sad big cat. By this time Brian decides to get up and take care of his girls. There is a kitchen to clean up, cats to feed and a wife for whom he makes coffee.

Coffee in bed, I finish my book. I quite enjoyed it. I would like to pass it on to someone. I must think on who or how. Throwing on my lounging dress, downstairs for more coffee. The first mug-full is delivered, but for the next I’m on my own! First thing I have to do is feed the IMG_3326.JPGstarving goldfish. Over to the tank, lift the lid and sprinkle in the rich, smelly pellets. The goldfish, now a big as my hand, flop around the surface like starving piranha – nearly splashing me in their frenzy. I explain that there is a big rainstorm and we started the day off slowly. Brian, speaking on behalf of the fish, says, “Rain? That’s some excuse. That’s just water - what is the big deal?” Another day has dawned.

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